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The Life and Times of...well, this is important st

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Abortion truely is a problem in America, and the numbers since 1973 bear this out dramataically. 40 million plus dead babies...all that lost potential if you want to look at from a standpoint of natural resources. But that's really a pretty mechannical perspective, though.

Interestingly enough, even politicians from both sides of the aisle say that we need to reduce the numbers of aborted babies. But how can that really be done?

The arguement that abortion levels could be lowered if birth control would be used more widely, and specifically the "morning after" pill (RU486) seem shallow. Wouldn't such an option actually promote sexual laxity? Wouldn't that decreased respect for the act of sex actually "produce" more of those pregnancies which would most likely be aborted?

The problem with this line of reasoning, "give 'em more birth control", is that it looks only to the mechanical side of human life. The mechanical ovulation, fertilization and the like is all that's considered.

There is a much more realistic way of understanding why Americans get abortions. Lack of respect for life. When you promote the prevention of life, you degrade the importance of life itself. How different is that from promoting abortion, the actual taking of life? If we had a real respect for life, it would affect the way we "express" our sexuality too. Sex wouldn't be such a casual and crude thing, but actually seen as sacred.

I wish this were a perfect world, because we wouldn't have to discuss sickening things like 40 million dead babies since Roe v. Wade in 1973. In a perfect would there would be no need for birth control because every concieved child would be in the womb of a parent with a full respect for the life she is carrying. The father would be more than just a sperm donor. He would be there to raise that "embryonic mass" made up of the combination of his wife's egg and his sperm into a loved, appreciated and whole human being.

Since this isn't a perfect world, might there be a place for some type of birth control? Such a sad option.

Children (only the combination of egg and sperm?) are worth so much more than we usually afford them. That includes a respect for the process of combination of egg and sperm. That process (sex) is actually a sacred thing. Only those with a deeper respect for life will understand and appreciate this. I hope this at least gives some good food for thought.

Article to get you thinking more... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,173332,00.html


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