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The Life and Times of...well, this is important st

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mom's house...

It has been so long since I've posted anything on this blog. There's been a lot going on in my life, to say the least. I finally finished a long term goal of mine and graduated with my bachelor's degree. Even before I had the certificate, I took my official transcript to mom (who was really sick at the time) and showed them to her. She was so glad for me. February 19th, mom took her last big earthly step and walked into our Father's eternal presence. The whole family, all my five siblings and their spouses and kids were around her bed singing, reading scripture and praying as she took her last breath and slipped away. We all watched. In fact, we were singing the song that we sang at Dad's funeral back in 1980 "This World is not My Home". It was as if she were waiting for us to finish, because right after we sang the last line of the last verse ("and I can't feel at home in this world any more..."), mom let out her breath, turned a couple different colors in a matter of seconds, and is now permanently with both of her husbands. Ever since our dad passed away in 1980, mom has always said that she depends on her heavenly husband. And that is exactly what she did. She had so many stories.

Tomorrow is closing on mom's house. It's hard to believe that mom is gone, and now so is her house. She sure leaves a big hole. I walked in her house this morning like I had hundreds of times and called out really loud, "Hey mom, it's just me. Where are you?" Of course I knew she wouldn't answer, but I walked through the now completely empty house and almost expected her to be there, to have her say "I'm in here, Pete. Come on in. Sit by the bed and talk to me. How are you doing?" There are times when I really miss her; it's hard to just write this without crying. She always said that the parents are supposed to leave an inheritance for the children, and she did, but I'd rather have her. I know that the thing I miss most is the fact that I always knew that she was praying for each of us children at least every day. She was so faithful at doing that, and she let us know it too...in her own un-selfish way. Such a simple woman. Such a simple faith. Yet this woman changed this world in so many ways not just for the good, but for God. not only has she left six children that love Jesus and actively demonstrate that to others, but she has ninteen grandchildren who are all pretty much doing the same thing. If you didn't know mom, and you had ten minutes sitting in the doctor's office with her...or anywhere, at the end of that ten minutes you would be asking yourself about where you would spend eternity. Simply put, she loved Jesus, she loved people, and she wanted to make sure that everyone she came into contact with understood what really matters in life; loving Jesus. He was her Husband, her provider, her everything.

I have finally moved back "home" and have internet again. I do hope to be posting a little more regularly. I am searching for a teaching job, though, and will be concentrating on that. If anyone knows of a need for a Social Studies teacher at either the Jr. High or High School level, let me know! I'm certified in Government, Psychology and all History. I would like to be local here in NE Indiana, but many doors have closed already. God has the place for me without question. I need to be patient and let him open the right door in His timing. Speak to father that I have patience on that one!

Tomorrow I leave for New Orleans with a group of teenagers from a local church to help with recovery work. I will be gone for a week, so don't expect me to do any posting during that time.

Thanks for your patience with me on this whole thing...

God Bless You!!


ps... here's a picture of mom and dad on their honeymoon up in Canada! You can bet that I'll have more pics in the coming days and weeks...


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Lynne Meyer Vetters said...

Well hi stranger :) Nice to see you back. I had a dream about my grandmother the other night. She came and sat on the edge of my bed and we talked for such a long time. It was incredibly special to me. I'm sure that you can understand. I wish there was something I could say to help with the grief that we are both going through, but there isn't. Take joy and comfort in knowing that, without doubt, you will be with your parents again one day. It doesn't help the sadness now, but it gives great joy to the eternal. You remain in my prayers. I'll keep your job situation in my prayers as well. Maybe there's something here...lol. Take care my friend.

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Pete, :)

I was very moved by your testimony here as how you faithfully and caringly ministered to your Mom in her time of illness AND your strong faith in the Lord even in her passing. I understand the pain in your great loss and my heart reaches out to you in your time of sorrow. I, too, lost my Mom in year 2001. I miss her and I, too, am looking forward to seeing her in heaven in the days to come which continues to give me hope and joy to move on with life here on earth.

May God Himself comfort you and give you grace and strength as you deal with a life that you have only Him to lean on and to look up to. Jesus is all you need when you realize that He is all you've got, once a preacher said. Indeed, all heaven and earth shall pass way, but our hope is in the Lord (Ps 62:5) and Him alone, eh? :)

He promises to instruct you and teach you in the way to go and He will guide you with His eyes (Ps 32:8). We orphans are in the special category in His care. He loves us MUCH MORE than our birth parents can/could. Isn't that awesome and comforting? :) The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger. But they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing (Ps 34:10).

God is our refuge and strength, and our very present help. The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to help those whose hearts are perfect (complete) towards Him. :) Call upon Him in the day of trouble, He will deliver you and you will glorify Him. :)

You are in my prayer, Pete. Continue to trust Him and He will direct your path. May He comfort you with His Spirit and the Truth that is rooted deep down in your heart. :) He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. :) And you ARE precious in His sight. :)

Lulu Jang :)
Num 6:24-26; 2 Chron 4:10


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